

One of my favorite things in the entire world is to step outside when it’s raining and yet see rays of sunshine sparkling across the path. It's stunningly beautiful and just makes me feel happy and content. But besides the sheer beauty of it, there’s always been something else about it that kinda gives me butterflies in my tummy. When you compare life to a rainstorm, there are certain similarities. And even if you're like me, and can really love the crash of thunder and the cool splash of rain falling down, it doesn't change the fact that it is still a storm and, like life, it can be quite turbulent at times. Sure, it can be gentle and seem like a nothing but a simple pleasure; but other times it can thrash and destroy hopes and plans, leaving them to litter the ground as mere rubble. Then, there are the times where you hear the thunder and you see the rain, but at the same time, you can see rays of sunshine beaming down, bathing the landscape with warmth and light. And that light takes something that might've been miserable and destructive and forms it into something pricelessly sweet. This is how I feel the presence of God can affect the storm of one's life, it’s how He’s affected mine and the occasional “sunlit storm” reminds me of that. At this point, I don’t have any real goal to this blog and it will probably contain it’s fair share of randomness; but hopefully, it will always reflect the ways He affects my daily life and shines light into it. I hope it does the same for you, whether it’s to encourage you, make you laugh, or just make you sit back and think. :)