I have come to a conclusion, a life altering one. I am not made for systematic/organized blogging. It is entirely against my very heart and soul, my being.
One of my friends wrote a blog post including her "system," as one could call it. She is devoted. Or if not devoted, organized; and apparently this is a quality that I completely lack, at least when it comes to blogging. She writes down, in a specific notebook, ideas to build upon for a post. And not only that, she actually uses them! *gasp* Genius, 'tis pure genius. She researches her topic, in what seems to be a timely fashion, and writes about it. It is most remarkable to one such as my self, dear. Keep up the good work. ;)
But am I capable of such a brilliant act?
Experience, and the lack of posts on here, would unquestionably scream, "NO."
So, mon amies, while I will continue to to update whenever possible with art, and I do have some topics for written [and hopefully purposeful] posts, I am kicking things down a notch. Like pulling a book from the bottom of the stack or taking a sledgehammer to a wall, where the end result is usually about the same: disheveled chaos.
While I hope the results will not be quite as destructive as that, they may be just as chaotic.
Rather than obsessing over having the "perfectly put together" post, spending days upon weeks upon months mulling over how to write a single post, I'm going to (hopefully) post a little more frequently, but with less *intensity*...if that makes any sense. And it probably doesn't.
Here, you may find little random quotes that I found intriguing, pictures that caught my eye, perhaps an occasional rant on the atrocities of ...mushrooms, or other such things. As I said, my goal is to keep a few of the longer, more elaborate post on hand as well. That way this doesn't turn into one of those "OHEY let me share the pointless details of my life with you" or "Every little thing you didn't care to know about" types of blogs.
May it be a change for the better.
P.S. - Is it not AWESOME that titles don't have character limits? I must exploit the possibilities of such freedom, I'm afraid. 8)
*dreamy sigh*
I'd love to be that organized with my ideas & projects.....or organized at all! lol...
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